Wednesday, 16 December 2009


Slutever is the alias of 23 year old New Yorker turned London squat dweller Karley Sciortino who also features on Vice, Dazed and has recently begun writing a blog for Platform. Whilst previously Karley lived in a squat affectionately known as Squallyoaks with other artists/musicians/prostitutes, according to the latest entries times appear to be changing as the gang have been evicted from their old home and whilst some appear to have found a new place to live, several members have gone their separate ways. So now seems as good a time as any to recap on my some of my favourite moments from the Slutever blog which will be hard since it's all COMEDY GOLD so I could probably turn this into a series or something...I won't though since that would be pretty lame.

- Moon Cup, or being doused in the DNA of a mildly overweight lesbian, a romance of sun, sea, sex and environmentally friendly medical devices.

- Next on the list, Shark sex, which makes me wonder if she reads Fuck Yeah, Sharks if not she totally should

- Jail, A terrible indictment of our legal system? Or why picking fights when you are totally wasted is probably not a good idea even if they deserve it.

- My new sex BFF, a cautionary tale of what might happen if you try being open about you know what, to you know who...If you know what I mean? Bit of a long shot really.

- Another just as important life lesson is importance choosing your wrestling opponents carefully, it could end in you being accused of rape, or being stabbed with a makeshift trident.

- One thing I've always liked about Karley is her ability to make even the most sordid fantasies sound like a walk in the park or a drive through apple country with a bearded twenty seven year old and her dedication to gynecological experimentation.

- I smell dead people, highlights why exactly hospitals can seem like the worst places on earth and don't let scrubs or Grey's anatomy tell you otherwise.

- What is an STD? a terrifying tale of razor lined genitals and the morning after pill, there are so many quote in that particular entry I could take out of context and they'd still be funny, I won't though just to make sure.

- Art Slut, just because I bet most car models don't get the chance to meet Hugh Grant or Jarvis Cocker or for that matter get attacked by women with armpit hair, JEALOUS.

So those are are some of my slutever highlights, although in all honesty this entry could be twice as long, but I decided to leave it there in the hope that by shrinking the entry slightly there might be a chance more people will be inclined to finish reading it.

Saturday, 12 December 2009

Thursday, 10 December 2009

Fraction Of One

As well as mentioning older more established sites it's occasionally nice to ramble on about new sites too. Like Fractions of One, a new music site that launched around the beginning of November and concentrates on features, recommendations and in depth interviews rather than record reviews.

Recently the site has featured artists like new Brainlove signing Mat Reviere, bittersweet rock band The Tailors and avant pop upstarts Munch Munch and previously it has featured the likes of Shoes and Socks Off and Alloy Ark.

So indulge your web 2.0 craving and subscribe to their RSS feed or follow them on twitter, it's totally worth it.

Tuesday, 8 December 2009


Ah Facebook how you've changed. Once you were just an innocent way of communicating with casual acquittance through a medium which required the least actual interaction and now you've become a time sapping monster, a way to stalk previously long forgotten exes and a way of relaying us constant messages about the pointless minor details of our friends lives.

However not all of these are without merit, and Failbook is a way of bringing some of the most amusing Facebook updates to the attention of a far wider audience. Whether it's people repeatedly clicking 'likes this' after receiving news of a couples separation or people placing spoilers to popular films in their status updates.

The content is largely user generated so there's plenty of leeway for you to submit your own Facebook fails and embarrass your family and friends.

Monday, 7 December 2009

My Week In Links #5

Mirror, Mirror on the wall who's the wittiest of them all? Vice magazine you say? That can't be right...

This week I:

- have finally broken my ban on christmas related activity and started to think about this years christmas shopping strategy, chances are I won't buy anything from this list though.

- looked at some pagan flavoured photos courtesey of platform and Suzanna Zak

- Found a guide to picking to the perfect christmas tree , although to be honest I'll probably stick to buying something more artificial and fiber optic that glows unnaturally when you plug it into the wall. Yep I'm one of those people.

- Saw the worlds smallest Snowman, somewhere around 1/5th of the size of a human hair.

- Considered working for Vice magazine, well actually this is more of a half truth, the thought did flash through my mind when i saw the vacancy advertised but in all honest I was more intrigued by this album cover.

- Watched the new video by These New Puritans , I like it. Even if it does seem slightly reminiscent of Snowman.

- Started reading an interesting article on Salon magazine which sheds a little light on one of the most mysterious and maligned genres around, Black Metal.

This entry is brought to you by the letter B for Ben Frost who's album 'By The Throat' is fast becoming one of my favourite releases of the year. It's streaming from here where you can also download the album using the misleading 'name your price' option where you can pay whatever you like... as long as it's over 10 euros. I'll let that slide though as it is a brilliant record.

Saturday, 5 December 2009

Dronea, Dronea

Dronea, Dronea
is a blog covering everything from psychedelic folk to ambient pop music which goes well with the cool blue background. When coming across a new blog it's a nice surprise to find a lot of artists I like featuring in the user's window which, among other things featured Ben Frost who's release of 'By The Throat' is starting to turn a lot of heads.

However whilst you won't find that on this site, you can find some amazing artists on the front page. The writing is another high point of the site as rather than purely relying on little bits of information written by the artists, or found on press releases, the Dronea team pen their own evocative descriptions, which illustrate well what each release is about without coming across as over wrought or contrived.

Some of my favourite picks from the front page include music from Xela/Grouper two of my most revered Type signings. Improvisational drone from Final and imaginative celestial sounding ambient drone from Aidan Baker & Noveller.

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Vice Magazine(has a lot to answer for)

Since it's creation way back in 1996 where it broke with it's government funded origins as the Voice of Montreal, moved to New York and changed it's name. Vice magazine has been known for it's provocative use of irreverence and immersion journalism and covering everything from the war in Iraq to mental disorders. Whilst pre 2007 vice dedicated whole issues to these subjects, post 2007 vice has become even more wide ranging and now covers even more subjects under the umbrella of popular culture and information technology. The online home of Vice magazine is a curiosity in itself, the home page is divided into various sections on the right is the do's and don't section where innocent (and admittedly not so innocent) members of the public are harshly critiqued by Vice in regards to their fashion sense and perceived outlook on life. Below that is a link to information about the print magazine and below is an events section which links you to the old blue last web page.useful.

In the middle of the page are recent vice articles which when I last checked involved selling post-it art, The Vice guide to Liberia, which is actually going to be a documentary film based on interviews with three men who participated in the 14 year Liberia civil war and a piece attacking that previously untouchable institution, the high brow music award. On the left there are also links to the music, film and photo blog which seems to cover trendy London party goers and tits same thing though right? LOLOLOLOLOL.

One thing that seems to have landed Vice in hot water over the years is the Vice Guides, those tongue in cheek looks at various aspects of life including sex, finding yourself and shagging Muslims which admittedly I could kind of see would cause a little controversy, but actually raises some interesting really. Most of them are pretty funny and I have to admit..for me anyway the guide to being totally crushed out did have some parallels with my life, but with less drugs...and rock and roll...and se...oh wait.

So when it comes to covering popular culture you could probably do worse, although it might be best avoided if you're easily offended but then that's probably like 90% of the internet down the drain already.

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

In which I 'review' the current livejournal spotlight communities

Livejournal Communities: once an important internet

force to be reckoned with. Now: everyone just uses

Blogger. Or something. I don't even know. I use it

daily, but only for[info]fashin. Even though though I'm not

lying, you're probably thinking "She's lying. No one

outside of the Sci-Fi community uses it". But then

again, I'm a pretty big Sci-Fi fan myself. What am I

saying? What I'm trying to say is, believe it or not,

other people actually use it.


Anyway, on with the reviews.


It's a bit pointless really, because cats can't read. Sorry.


Really good but I don't like the layout. Sorry.


If i ever wrote a blog, it would be like this. Well, maybe

just the really angry posts - the other ones are boring.
