Thursday, 3 December 2009

Vice Magazine(has a lot to answer for)

Since it's creation way back in 1996 where it broke with it's government funded origins as the Voice of Montreal, moved to New York and changed it's name. Vice magazine has been known for it's provocative use of irreverence and immersion journalism and covering everything from the war in Iraq to mental disorders. Whilst pre 2007 vice dedicated whole issues to these subjects, post 2007 vice has become even more wide ranging and now covers even more subjects under the umbrella of popular culture and information technology. The online home of Vice magazine is a curiosity in itself, the home page is divided into various sections on the right is the do's and don't section where innocent (and admittedly not so innocent) members of the public are harshly critiqued by Vice in regards to their fashion sense and perceived outlook on life. Below that is a link to information about the print magazine and below is an events section which links you to the old blue last web page.useful.

In the middle of the page are recent vice articles which when I last checked involved selling post-it art, The Vice guide to Liberia, which is actually going to be a documentary film based on interviews with three men who participated in the 14 year Liberia civil war and a piece attacking that previously untouchable institution, the high brow music award. On the left there are also links to the music, film and photo blog which seems to cover trendy London party goers and tits same thing though right? LOLOLOLOLOL.

One thing that seems to have landed Vice in hot water over the years is the Vice Guides, those tongue in cheek looks at various aspects of life including sex, finding yourself and shagging Muslims which admittedly I could kind of see would cause a little controversy, but actually raises some interesting really. Most of them are pretty funny and I have to admit..for me anyway the guide to being totally crushed out did have some parallels with my life, but with less drugs...and rock and roll...and se...oh wait.

So when it comes to covering popular culture you could probably do worse, although it might be best avoided if you're easily offended but then that's probably like 90% of the internet down the drain already.

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