Sunday 22 November 2009

My Week In Links #3

This week I:

- Downloaded the free mp3 single by the American dream-pop duo Beach House. It kind of reminds me of M83 without all the in your face bombast. Well worth a listen.

- Downloaded Lucky Dragons' Anti War Song album 'Hawk and Sparrows' which also features contributions from Aa and comes across sort of like an immersive collection of soundscapes made from heavily edited field recordings of anti war protests but morphed from their original incarnation into something entirely new. It's also totally free from here.

- wait I mean discovered Listverse's top ten methods of execution, the brazen bull is pretty horrible but the sawing image gets to me the most eugh.

- Realized the true secret to Microsoft's success brightly coloured t-shirts and the electric slide.

- Rediscovered Sesame Street, you know your show has made it when it's being parodied on Sesame Street congratulations Mad Men.

- Had my first glimpse at the Google Chrome OS, it looks a little like that modified version of xandros which I saw on the EEE pc, but much more colourful, I have to admit..I'm intrigued.

- Still don't get the fuss behind Google Wave...but for all those interested Lifehacker are running a weekly invitations thread.

This entry is brought to you by the letter W for Wavves who seems to have been annoying and thrilling audiences in equal numbers, whilst I was disappointed to hear that Zach Hill couldn't make it for the latest tour I'm just happy to get the chance to nod my head along to 'So Bored'.

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