Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Download Squad

I really enjoy reading Download Squad, there's just something so refreshing about the way that the articles bypass technological jargon and instead provide readers with easy points of comparison.

Like for example their recent coverage of Google's acquisition of AdMob, a deal worth 750 million, I mean I can tell that's a large amount of money but I mean it's given even more weight when you think that that's enough to buy 3.9 million people iPod touches, which is almost the entire population of Ireland. Sort of like how the total bomb tonnage in the Vietnam war was 7,078,032 tons thats equal to 1,000lbs of bombs for every man, women and child in Vietnam. Basically that's a lot of iPod touches.

Alongside news from the front line of desktop and mobile technology, also featured on the front page are various productivity boosting tips including 14 Extremely Useful Firefox Addons and Four apps that will/might keep your wife from killing you and to be honest I can see why despite any previous indiscretions any husband who can restore his wifes data with the click of a button is going to be well on his way to watching that frown turn upside down.

There's also a Time Waster section which gives you plenty of games to while away the hours with including my personal pick of the bunch Small Worlds which despite the simple exploration premise managed to keep me entertained for hours.

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