Sunday, 15 November 2009

My Week In Links #2

This week I

- Picked up a free track by S.C.U.M check it out it's legal and everything.

- Watched internet forever pay more than a little tribute to the 90's in their video for cover the walls.

- Looked at pictures of Kazakstans radioactive legacy some of which were oddly beautiful, such as the big dipper rising over the nuclear polygon and the sun setting over Semey but some were chilling and even horrific in their depiction of effects of post nuclear fall out.

- Pondered the possibility of time travel after reading about some of the possible hypotheses surrounding the issues with the Large Hadron Collider.

- Witnessed the entire internet in 5 minutes, oh shiiii what am I going to write about now?

- Read some thought provoking commentary on the future of the music industry.

I've been trying to keep all my comments on this blog internet related however I've always been astounded that a industry which operates on a buisiness model where around 90% of the endevours it embarks on are likely to fail, as in result in a financial loss, has been able to keep going relatively trouble free for so long. Not to say illegal downloading isn't a problem but perhaps looking at the way artists are managed and how their work is retailed is one of the ways to tackle the issue. I'd also be interested in what record label owners had to say about this article on illegal downloading.

- Considered the problem of the corporate-run two party system.

- was the best mistake she ever made :-D

This entry is brought to you by the letter R for Roy Orbison, whilst many people have laid into Jamie for slaughtering this song I think the real issue is Roy Orbison's voice defies imitation.

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